Pay It Forward by Emma Grace

Novel Pay It Forward Karya Emma Grace

Sinopsis :

Yunike Setiabudi 5 minutes ago There’s been so much horrible news recently. I’ve decided I’m
participating in the Pay It Forward initiative. The first three people who give comment on the status with ”I’m in”, will receive a surprise from me at some point during this calendar year. Anything from a book, a ticket, something home-grown, homemade, a postcard… it could be anything! There will be no warning, and it will happen when the mood comes and I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy These three people must make the same offer on their Facebook status. Once the first three have commented, I will forward this message to you to put on your status. Let’s do more nice and loving things this year without any
reason other than to make each other smile and show that we think of others Here’s to a more enjoyable, friendly and love all year. P.S this offer is valid for all my friends around the world.

Baca juga

Gitta menatap layar ponsel. Matanya masih terasa berat. Tidur pukul setengah tiga dini hari membuat kelopak matanya sulit sekali untuk dibuka. Jika saja bukan karena Papa yang harus berangkat pagi-pagi sekali ke bandara untuk sebuah rapat penting di Surabaya, tentu Gitta belum terjaga. Setelah mengantar Papa ke mobil dan mengunci pintu pagar, Gitta berjalan kembali ke kamarnya di lantai dua. Setengah terhuyung, ia menapak tangga. Kamar Oma Hellen, neneknya, yang tinggal bersama dengan mereka, masih gelap. Gadis itu merebahkan diri di atas ranjang, lalu meraih ponsel yang selalu ia letakkan di atas nakas.
Telunjuknya menyentuh layar, mengecek sekilas notifikasi yang masuk. Ada beberapa pesan yang belum ingin ia balas. Gitta membiarkan pesan tetap tak terbuka. Ia melihat satu notifikasi di akun Facebook.

Detail Buku:

Judul         : Pay It Forward
Penulis      : Emma Grace
Penerbit     : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
ISBN         : 978 - 602 - 03 - 1501 - 0
Tebal         : 256 hlmn

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